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公司简介: <br>excellence through people<br> <br>伊顿公司是一家多元化的工业产品制造商,总部位于美国俄亥俄州,是《财富》杂志排名美国前500强的制造企业。伊顿公司主要业务涉及流体动力、电子产品、汽车和卡车零部件,在许多工业领域都是全球领导者,包括电力系统和电源质量、电力输配和控制组件;工业、行走机械和航空设备方面的流体动力系统与服务;安全节能的智能化卡车传动系统;以及汽车发动机空气管理系统、传动系统解决方案和运行、省油及安全方面的特性控制。伊顿在全球有超过6.1万名员工,150多个生产中心,生产约4万多种产品销往125个国家和地区。<br>伊顿(中国)投资有限公司成立于1993年,通过并购、合资和独资的形式已迅速发展成为在中国拥有20家生产制造工厂、26个销售办事处,员工人数超过5000人的快速发展企业。随著伊顿在华业务的飞速发展,我们诚邀优秀之士加盟。 <br><br>eaton corporation, a fortune 500 company, is a global diversified industrial manufacturer with business in fluid power, electrical, automotive and truck industries. our major products include fluid power systems and services for industrial, mobile and aircraft equipment; electrical systems and components for power quality, distribution and control; automotive engine air management systems and power-train controls for fuel economy; and intelligent drive-train systems for fuel economy and safety in trucks. eaton has employees, more than 150 manufacturing facilities worldwide, and sells around products to customers in more than 125 countries.<br><br>eaton (china) investments co.ltd was established in 1993, since then our presence has grown significantly in the region through acquisitions, joint ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries. nowadays, we have 18 manufacturing facilities, 26 sales offices and more than 5000 employees in china. upon our continued fast growth strategy in china, we welcome highly motivated, highly talented individuals joining us. <br><br>please go to www.eatonjobs.com and search for all positions in china.<br> <br> 联系人: 伊顿中国招聘中心 <br> 电子邮箱: